What I Ike Ikus Means To Me

It has been such a great pleasure and joy working here at Indian Trails Camp! March marked my two year anniversary from when I first started. The decision to switch jobs was a tough one as I really did enjoy my previous job but I couldn’t be happier with the decision that I made.

It has been such an amazing couple of years! Each day I am happy to come to work, I don’t think many people get to say that and truly mean it. I have met so many amazing people, get to work with incredible staff and build friendship with coworkers and campers alike.

Each day brings new and exciting challenges, I am able to grow and learn, teach and train each day somehow being better than the last.

As we are in the hiring process for our 2016 summer camp staff I get excited sharing why I love Indian Trails Camp when the question is asked, which it often is, but I get even more excited as we hire people, knowing that they are going to have a fantastic, memorable and life-changing summer/experience. It is inevitable.

Here’s to 2016 at ITC being the best year yet! I Ike Ikus, nobody like us, we are the camp of ITC!

Blessings & Love,

Megan Lougheed

Camp Director & Respite Coordinator