Accessible Art Creation Day with Zot Artz!

19399951_1770198192994553_389986153560265772_nIn partnership with Zot Artz we had an accessible art creation day for campers, partner programs and community participants. Accessible art tools allowed everyone to experience the full creative process in the creation of unique art pieces.

A HUGE thanks to Dwayne Szot, nationally renowned artist, for providing this opportunity to create original works of art that foster social interaction, natural inclusion, and self-esteem, and nurtures the ability for each person to work at their own level of ability. 19399012_1770242356323470_3476228649871368928_n

And a HUGE thanks to our friends from The C2 Group for their dedication in making this event a success! Their time, energy, and, friendship (and popsicles) were greatly appreciated! Give it up for Dwayne & The C2 Group for making every day another best day for those we serve and for our community!

View our Facebook photo album for more pictures! 19396952_1770216072992765_2998337623905654277_n