


Work is essential to a person’s dignity, not to mention their economic self-sufficiency. Through our Supported Employment program, IKUS helps individuals train for and obtain gainful employment. By doing so, clients enrich their own lives as well as the community around them.


The Supported Employment program is designed to help individuals with disabilities achieve their dream of being gainfully employed in the competitive integrated employment community. This program is geared toward individuals who are ready to be employed in a community workforce setting but may need assistance in areas of job creation, interviewing techniques, and social workplace skills. We assist with resume prep, job exploration, filling out applications, interview training, and on-the-job training. The goal of Supported Employment is to help individuals discover their occupational passions while coaching them to vocational success. The program has a low staff-to-client ratio to provide individuals with jobsite creation training and retention assistance. Some training will occur at IKUS Life Enrichment Services /Indian Trails Camp, but most of the program will be held at various community workforce settings. The Supported Employment program: Is an innovative and results-driven service that assists clients in overcoming vocational barriers and finding and retaining gainful employment. Assists the West Michigan community in securing strong employment applicants. Places clients in a competitive integrated workforce setting in twelve months or less.

The goal of the Supported Employment program is to support each individual so they can attain their maximum potential and independence to ultimately achieve sustained success in the workplace. As the individual gets closer to achieving their goals, Supported Employment services will taper down as the individual transitions to a greater level of independence in an environment where they can continue to thrive.


Work is essential to a person’s dignity, not to mention their economic self-sufficiency. Through our Supported Employment and Skill Building programs, IKUS Catering helps individuals with disabilities train for and obtain gainful employment in the culinary field or related fields.

Visit the IKUS Catering page for more information and menus.


Adults ages 18 and up who are able to work independently

Year-round services

Clients will utilize their own means of transportation.


O-1859 Lake Michigan Dr. NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49534



(616) 677-2955



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